Integrated audit and risk management in the laboratory

Structure your laboratory processes by implementing software to support your quality management system

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  • Integrated audit and risk management in the laboratory

Structure your laboratory processes by implementing software to support your quality management system with integrated audit and risk management.


Risks arise in many places in daily work. Laboratories are no exception. That is why structured and standard-compliant document management as well as the systematic integration of risk management are important issues, not only in the context of accreditation.

In daily working life, too, employees benefit from direct access to all relevant information, at different workplaces and devices. In this way, risks can be recognised earlier, assigned responsibility and the probability of occurrence as well as the amount of damage can be minimised as far as possible.

NEXUS / QM-Labor

NEXUS / QM-Labor is a solution connected to your laboratory information system for DIN-ISO-compliant document control on the basis of the NEXUS / CURATOR software. With the addition of integrated risk management, CURATOR supports your daily processes in the regular checking of specification documents.

This includes not only an approval workflow, versioning and historisation, but also the distribution of regulation documents according to common standard specifications. Because regulations, procedural instructions and SOPs must be actively perceived by your employees so that they are applied in everyday work!

Not only processes and specifications can be generated with NEXUS / QM-Labor. The wide range of functionalities such as:

  • the documentation of interlaboratory tests
  • the generation of specifications from LIS data and method SOPs
  • the summary of all important requirements and documents for the DAkkS export

and the modular structure make NEXUS / CURATOR a valuable tool for the future-oriented further development of laboratories.

Would you like to find out more? Get in touch with us:

Your contact
Sebastian Münch

Head of Customer Success Management Labor



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