Corporate Governance

Corporate Governance

The Executive Board and Supervisory Board hereby declare that NEXUS AG complied with the recommendations of the Government Commission German Corporate Governance Code in the version dated February 7, 2017, in accordance with the published declaration of compliance dated January 23, 2020, until March 20, 2020, and, from March 21, 2020, in the version dated December 16, 2019, with the following exceptions, and will continue to comply with this in the future as outlined below.

Sustainability report

NEXUS AG’s business model focuses on helping medical facilities with their organization and patient treatment using software solutions. The related responsibility for processes and treatment success at healthcare facilities is a key aspect of our business success. This means that social and sustainable work is particularly important to our business model.

For this reason, we strive to act responsibly and sustainably in all processes. In addition to economic issues, we also use ESG (environmental, social and corporate governance) criteria to measure and manage our performance. Developing controlling measures to gauge target attainment is a key focus of our activities.

To collect and process expectations, ideas and topics related to sustainable business, we maintain regular contact with our company’s stakeholders – in particular employees, shareholders and customers. These discussions also determine where we adjust our strategies.

The sustainability documentation is reflected in further or related documentation.

Non-financial Statement

NEXUS AG's Sustainability Report presents our performance for fiscal year 2021 from a social, environmental and corporate governance perspective and can be viewed on the NEXUS website.
Our consolidated financial statements are prepared in accordance with IFRS. The effectiveness of the internal control system for financial reporting has been confirmed by our management. We prepare our non-financial report in accordance with Section 289b and Section 315b of the German Commercial Code (HGB). According to them, we are then obliged to report on social, environmental and other non-financial aspects.


Non-financial Statement

(Group) Corporate Governance Statement

The (Group) Corporate Governance statement (Sections 289a and 315d of the German Commercial Code (HGB) contains the Corporate Governance Statement, information about management practices and the description of the mode of working of the Executive Board and the Supervisory Board. The Corporate Governance Report of NEXUS AG is written jointly by the Executive Board and the Supervisory Board pursuant to Clause 3.10 of the German Corporate Governance Code. It describes the principles of the management and control structures as well as the essential rights of stockholders of NEXUS AG.
We pursue the goal of maintaining the description of Corporate Governance clear and succinct. The structures of company management and monitoring of NEXUS AG are as follows:

Compliance Statement

The Executive Board and Supervisory Board hereby declare that NEXUS AG has complied with the recommendations of the government commission of the German Corporate Governance Code in version of 7 February 2017 – with the following exceptions – and will comply in the future as shown in the compliance statement.

Code of Conduct

Our public reputation is shaped by the actions and conduct of each and every one of us. We are all responsible for ensuring that NEXUS as a company fulfills its responsibilities to society. Our actions are guided by ethical standards in line with the law.


Code of Conduct

Corporate Compliance Organization Policy

In the Code of Conduct, we have formulated our claim to the value-oriented actions of our employees. The operationalization of the Code of Business Conduct is a critical factor in sustainably living our value orientation across all locations, levels and functional areas. That’s why the present “Corporate Compliance Organization Policy” defines how NEXUS ensures that our corporate values are actively lived and that employees are empowered to act in accordance with the law and regulations. In this way, we maintain the integrity of our organization as well as trust within the group of companies.


Corporate Compliance Organization Policy

Rules of procedure of the Supervisory Board

of Nexus Aktiengesellschaft
based in Donaueschingen
dated December 18, 2019 / January 23, 2020


Rules of procedure of the Supervisory Board

Rules of procedure of the Executive Board

of Nexus Aktiengesellschaft
based in Donaueschingen
dated December 18, 2019 / January 23, 2020


Rules of procedure of the Executive Board

Articles of association of NEXUS AG

Articles of incorporate of NEXUS AG of: May 2023.


Articles of association of NEXUS AG


CVs of the members of the Supervisory Board


Professional background of members of the Executive Board


Publication of Executive Board remuneration system


Director's Holding

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