Prepare dynamic evaluations at any time

Figures are key management tools. As well as providing a healthy dose of common sense, they help us make the right decisions for the institution. Using our cockpit, you can receive detailed facts and data in a timely manner. The results provide a template for communication with stakeholders and a good basis for your decision-making.


Applicants on the waiting list

All requests, e.g. for an assisted living apartment, a short-term care place or inpatient admission, are conveniently managed in applicant administration.


The occupancy manager

The occupancy manager clearly shows the detailed occupancy of each room each day or the occupancy of the selected unit. Especially in short-term care, customer inquiries can therefore be answered quickly and easily.

Room management

The room management module provides detailed information on each individual room, including standard rates. Photos, floor plans, recent renovations and other details can all be shown. The complete system for all types of facilities reduces the workload for your facility.


Residents’ master data

Personal resident data are shown together with information on relatives, the party covering the costs, doctors and insurance, etc. Further detailed information can be recorded /displayed upon request. All relevant contacts are saved in the contact management feature. The check carried out prevents data being recorded more than once.

Your advantages at a glance

  • Anytime access to raw data related to services, bed occupancy and residents
  • Freely scalable archive expansion
  • Cost accounting, financial accounting, accounts payable and accounts receivable data to create financial reports
  • Access to employee and wage/salary data for HR analyses
  • New requirements imposed by authorities, cantons, municipalities and the Executive Board can be implemented dynamically and immediately
  • Management employees have access to important, up-to-date controlling data
  • Create the required evaluations yourself at any time and independently of releases
  • A platform for all evaluations, as opposed to various individual lists
  • Easy to create pivot tables and graphical statistics
  • Create statistics for your annual report
  • Different databases can be evaluated together: Performance data with financial accounting data, personnel data with resident data

More information

Point of contact
Michael Lürken
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. Get in touch and we can discuss your individual situation.

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