An intuitive, complete system

With the new residential solution, NEXUS has consistently completed the step to an intuitive, complete system: from the reception of the resident to nursing documentation, up to duty planning and financial management.

The combination of social and financial action is the challenge that every operator faces today. Optimizing processes and improving quality through the use of innovative technologies are more in demand than ever before.
The new residential solution means you have more time for residents and employees, and thus more capacity for the respective organizational units of the operation.

Resident administration and billing

Simple, variable and efficient – for your central management

Our special strength:

The system is easy to learn and takes users to the information with just one click. You can integrate the areas of payroll, staff time sheets, kitchen systems, telephone systems, call systems and archives into the system.

Resident administration

  • Cash amount management
  • Direct debit
  • Open interface for import / export
  • Appointment management
  • Forms (with Word integration)


  • Archived nursing records with retroactive calculation or recalculation and invoice check
  • Incoming payment administration
  • Occupancy statistics
  • Revenue account statistics
  • Revenue verification
  • Individual evaluations

Resident billing

  • Care charges
  • Day and short-term care
  • Outpatient care
  • Section 87b billing
  • Expenses with / without VAT
  • Incontinence billing
  • Data transfer under Section 302 SGB V

Our highlights

  • Fully automatic billing
  • Document integration
  • Multiple language support

Care documentation and planning

The software will be your daily companion in caring for residents. It ensures complete documentation, quality checks and compliance with legal regulations. Most importantly, it distracts you as little as possible from your actual task of caring for residents.

The IT solution covers the entire process of care management and, at the same time, constitutes a collection of information in which the information, whether personal details, relatives, doctors, diagnoses or the detailed resident biography, is presented clearly.

Our highlights

  • Fast documentation and comprehensible effective documentation
  • Simple, continuous operation
  • Flexible display
  • Risk potential analysis
  • Risk analysis manual
  • Cockpit for evaluations
  • Clear display of goals with reminder function
  • Evaluations in the context of care quality management


NEXUS / CARE OF THE ELDERLY can be easily customized to individual needs, including care models according to SIS®, AEDL, ATL, Böhm and others and care diagnoses such as NANDA, ICF etc.

More information

Point of contact
Michael Lürken
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. Get in touch and we can discuss your individual situation.

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Our solutions

Here you can find additional software solutions relevant to care homes.

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