New approaches to strategic data management

NEXUS / DeepView®

The VNA platform of the future

NEXUS / DeepView® represents a new approach to strategic data management at healthcare facilities. The architecture of hospital IT is changing – moving away from a structure strongly focused on the HIS as the central system and towards a network structure. The ongoing evolutionary development of digital archives, PACS and ECM into a joint new, vendor-neutral, universal data retention and communication concept is laying the groundwork for the fundamental challenges of future digitalization strategies.

Deep view

Patient documentation plays a key role in hospitals: for patient treatment, treatment billing and, last but not least, in the event of legal disputes. It has a major impact on the quality of treatment and the profitability of an institution. Generally, however, users see only the tip of the iceberg in their application.

With NEXUS / DeepView®, the process of preparing a medical history could look like this:

Patient is admitted
  • New case file automatically created for the patient in the archive
  • Scan/import documents brought along into the case file
  • Clarify electronic patient record release, ad hoc authorization if necessary
  • Automatically access external IHE documents regarding the patient
Medical history forms
  • Access the patient record in the HIS archive
  • View the patient’s electronic patient record & transfer documents
  • Research the patient history: all case files, DICOM series, IHE files, downloaded electronic patient record documents
  • Full text search using unstructured and discrete data
  • Findings-compatible multi-format viewer for DICOM images
  • Call external radiologist from the findings viewer
  • Directly view the DICOM image together and, for example, compare with images provided
  • Follow-up diagnosis as part of medical history forms
Administrative processes
  • Exchange documents with the electronic patient record in telematics infrastructure
  • Communicate with medical service via provider portal

Your advantages at a glance

  • Archive, PACS and ECM combined in one system
  • Integration of administrative data and processes
  • Simplified administration, care and networking
  • Standardized integration into other systems
  • Own workflow engine for interdepartmental process support and automation
  • Support of centralized and decentralized scanning processes
  • File structure based on KDL
  • IHE-Registry und IHE-Repository
  • Findings-compatible viewer in MDD class IIb
  • Full text search, notes and other convenience features
  • Extensive permissions management
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