Prenatal diagnostics

Through the Prenatal diagnostics module, NEXUS / OBSTETRICS offers users a modern software solution for detailed pregnancy and malformation screening. The system is always adjusted to reflect current scientific knowledge and supports current screening methods.

Prenatal diagnostics is the ideal solution for documenting required check-ups and for showing different findings. The level of documentation is determined by the user.



  • Intuitive user interface based on a fetal sketch or list
  • Traffic light system for signaling anomalies
  • Consistently documented fetal outcome information
  • Overview of the preliminary examinations with alternating function
  • Automatic image and measurement data transfer from many modern ultrasound devices via DICOM
  • DICOM worklist support
  • FMF NT risk algorithm can be selected via configuration (algorithm FMF-Germany integrated, the first trimester screening program FMF-UK can be viewed)
  • Well over 100 standard curves integrated
  • Freely definable text modules (adaptation to in-house nomenclature)
  • Freely configurable depth of findings (also suitable for recording clinical studies)
  • Freely definable doctor’s letter design (layout, scope, structure) including export to MS Word
  • Simple selection of images and standard curves for transfer to the doctor’s letter
  • Integration of various letter templates for standard letters, short letters, internal diagnosis documentation, etc.

Your advantages at a glance:

  • Intuitive user interface
  • Graphic documentation of findings
  • Automated image transfer from ultrasound devices
  • Flexibly adaptable to user needs
  • Automatic report creation
  • T21 and T13/18 risk assessment
  • Preeclampsia markers
  • Add-on to NEXUS / OBSTETRICS complete solution
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