Delivery Room Overview

The Delivery Room Overview from NEXUS / OBSTETRICS provides a detailed overview of your patients in the delivery room. The most important information is displayed for the selected patients on the dashboard at all times. As well as palpatory findings and vital data, this also includes gestational age, gravidity, parity, pregnancy risks and other supplementary data from the patient record. A new diagnosis status is entered quickly and clearly by clicking on the “Smiley.”

This information is made available throughout the entire department in networked systems. The overview displays the most important information for the selected patients at all times. The displayed information is updated automatically by the entries from the other functions (“Partogram” and “Obstetrics Documentation”). You can set the updating intervals yourself.

The Delivery Room Overview replaces a chalkboard in the midwives’ office and ensures that up-to-date information about the course of labor of the individual patients is displayed at all times. The Delivery Room Overview can be configured in line with your needs.

Your advantages at a glance:

  • Overview of current delivery room / ward occupancy in table form
  • Display of data already recorded in other documentation areas
  • Additional entry options for various findings
  • Configurable updating interval
  • High degree of display flexibility thanks to very varied configuration options
  • Extension to the NEXUS / OBSTETRICS complete solution
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