The specialist department system NEXUS / OBSTETRICS plays a key role in process optimization in gynecological hospitals and obstetric specialist departments.

NEXUS solutions related to giving birth support the team of doctors and nurses. We are the only provider to offer an end-to-end solution – from the first day of pregnancy to the day of discharge from the hospital after delivery.

A considerable amount of new diagnostic data is obtained during the expectant mother’s stay in hospital. To ensure that these data are correctly allocated and processed throughout the stay, all information must be recorded in full upon admission to the obstetric department. Both administrative and medical data are collected here. As well as an admission screening, this also includes information on medical history forms, previous pregnancies, ultrasounds and other examinations during pregnancy, scheduling and serology.

A flexible and structured screening takes place after the birth. All screenings are documented according to expert association guidelines. ICD and ICPM figures, most of which are generated automatically, are shown in an overview and can be expanded if required. In addition, a case-by-case review for external QA is already possible. The discharge letter is prepared automatically, and no further information is usually required.


You can find more information in our brochure


How to reach us

Point of contact
Christine Gärtner & team

(Andrea Stegmann, Zadeh Pouriah and Mathis Klapper)

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions. Get in touch and we can discuss your individual situation.

Get in touch


Hanauer Landstrasse 293
60314 Frankfurt am Main, Germany

Tel.: +49 69 583004 200

Do you need help? We are happy to advise you.
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