Based on the organ chart, you are intuitively guided through your examination and can record and store findings in a structured way. Clearly arranged input screens simplify indication, case history and sonography of the organs. Thanks to the transfer of biometric data from your ultrasound device, you can save considerable time that you can invest in caring for your patients.

MAMMARY GLAND sonography

You can diagnose interactively using a sketch of the breast with help of the mammary gland ultrasound. Previous findings can be transferred unchanged into the system. The 2-D view for documenting diagnostic interventions and chart comparison with previous findings helps you in making decisions. Integration of ultrasonic diagnoses directly into documentation makes it easier for you to obtain a fast overview into structured diagnoses.

Gynecological ultrasound

Clearly arranged input screens support you and ensure fast and easy documentation. Findings can be entered directly using the traffic light function and can be presented in detail.

Findings can be drawn in a schematic chart for illustration. Adaptation to internal hospital jargon is possible thanks to the option to configure formulation of the text modules.

The pictures transmitted from the ultrasound device are stored in the patient’s records. Findings from previous check-up examinations can be transferred unchanged.  Integration of an image management system via framegrabbing or DICOM links completes the NEXUS / GYNECOLOGY module. NEXUS / GYNECOLOGY is the ideal supplement to NEXUS / OBSTETRICS.

Your advantages at a glance:

  • Graphic documentation of findings
  • Integrated image and measurement data transfer
  • Flexibly adaptable to user needs
  • Automated generation of findings report
  • Optional connection to NEXUS / OBSTETRICS

How to reach us

Point of contact
Christine Gärtner & team

(Andrea Stegmann, Zadeh Pouriah and Mathis Klapper)

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions. Get in touch and we can discuss your individual situation.

Get in touch


Hanauer Landstrasse 293
60314 Frankfurt am Main, Germany

Tel.: +49 69 583004 200

Do you need help? We are happy to advise you.
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